Tuesday 30 October 2012

Hi Guys - I'm Back

Had to go away for a few days.  Just got back and looked at Hotfile.  All the files are back in file manager so Monsieur Lemaire has done his worst and Hotfile have restored everything!!!!!  I am updating a lot of the links anyway as some of them were done a long time ago and I want to update them with a recovery record.  I think I should keep the captcha to protect them.  I'd rather give you direct access but lix in and the captcha will help to protect them from idiots like this Lemaire character.

I'll add Hotfile links again to the topics which now only have Rapidshare ones.

Will complete the ATMs and start uploading other stuff soon.  Just need to recover from the journey - was driving from almost 24 hours with just a couple of breaks.


  1. Thanks, looking forward to more Jiminess! :)

  2. Great!! Glad you're back and the problems with that Lemaire idiot are over.

  3. Glad all's OK now.. Just amazing that some people dont have better things to do with their time...

  4. Great to have you back, your passion for Jimi's work is greatly appreciated, especially for sharing your passion with ours! I am a trekkie fan(Star Trek) and to quote Spock and this is my desire for you also and I quote "live long and prosper" WELCOME BACK!!!!!!
